Find and Use Python Add-ons
This video covers a detailed overview of the major feature in Visual Components 4.5, KUKA Offline Programming (OLP). Our Simulation Experts, Samuli Ahonen and Keijo Hannula start from the basics like how to set up KUKA OLP in Visual Components, then they show you some basic programming and later give you a bit more insight into the advanced features.
Software Version: 4.5.0 or higher
22 answers.
Robot Simulation
Learn how to use the paint feature, PaintGun -component, and mathematics used in paint calculations. This tutorial requires basic knowledge from Visual Components UI and robotics.
Robot Simulation
Learn how to teach a robot a path of positions by selecting edges and curves.
Robot Simulation
Shows potential of the KUKA.Sim AddOn for execution of offline programs on a real robot in synchronized or mirrored view.
Robot Simulation
Shows potential of the KUKA.Sim AddOn for configuration, settings and programming of external axes or a workpiece positioner.
Robot Simulation
Introduces the potential of the KUKA.Sim Add On regarding Safe Operation configuration.
Robot Simulation
Introduces the potential of the KUKA.Sim Add On regarding programming, cycle time, tracing and the export to a real KUKA robot.
Robot Simulation
In this tutorial you will learn how to export a program from one robot and import it into another.
Robot Simulation
A continuation of Robot Reachability Part I, where you will learn how to locate a robot in order to reach the required positions.